Não conhecido detalhes sobre filosofia estóica

Gregory Vlastos (referred to in Schofield 2003) convincingly argued that what he called the “theocratic” principle does affect one’s conception of the relation between virtue and the order of the cosmos, specifically because it tells us that being virtuous is in agreement with such order. Crucially, however, Vlastos maintains that this does not change the content

Consider his example of playing a tennis match. The outcome of the game is under your partial control, in the sense that you can influence it; but it is also the result of variables that you cannot control, such as the skill of your opponent, the fairness of the referee, or even random gusts of wind interfering with the trajectory of the ball. Your goal, then, suggests Irvine, should not be to win the game—because that is not entirely within your control. Rather, it should be to play the best game you can, since that is

By doing this exercise, Seneca was always prepared for disruption and always working that disruption into his plans. He was fitted for defeat or victory.

, “logic,” which was more expansive than the modern technical meaning of the term, including logic sensu stricto

Este estoicismo é uma doutrina da filosofia nascida na Gré especialmentecia, de que afirma que todo o universo é governado por uma razãeste universal divina de que ordena todas as coisas, onde tudo surge a partir dele e de tratado usando ele.

How to be steadfast, and strong, and in control of yourself. And finally, that the source of our dissatisfaction lies in our impulsive dependency on our reflexive senses rather than logic.

Pero la conducta definitivamente virtuosa solo día ser alcanzada por el sabio, absolutamente libre de pasiones.

Perhaps the most comprehensive and scholarly attempt to update (as opposed to simply explain) Stoicism for modern audiences comes from Becker (1997), though a more accessible treatment is offered by Irvine (2008). One of Irvine’s major contributions is shifting from Epictetus’ famous dichotomy of control to a more reasonable trichotomy: some things are up to us (chiefly, our judgments and actions), some things are not up to us (major historical events, conterraneo phenomena), but on a number of other things we have partial control. Irvine recasts the third category in terms of internalized goals, which makes more sense of the original dichotomy.

La teología estoica es panteísta: no hay un Dios fuera de la naturaleza o del mundo; es el mismo mundo en su totalidad el de que es divino, lo qual justifica qual la creencia en los dioses, pese a su heterogeneidad, sea universal.

” And he sees his invective as justified—in sure Stoic fashion—not on theoretical grounds, but on practical ones: “[35] We could give adulterers grounds for rationalizing their behavior; such arguments fonte de consulta could provide pretexts to misappropriate state funds; a rebellious young man could be emboldened further to rebel against his parents. So what, according to you, is good or bad, virtuous or vicious—this or that?”

“Choose not to be harmed and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed and you haven’t been.” -Marcus Aurelius

Many Stoics—such as Seneca and Epictetus—emphasized that because "virtue is sufficient for happiness", a sage would be emotionally resilient to misfortune.

Los hombres nacen con un alma[7]​ como si fuera una «tabla rasa» pero cuando adquieren cierta madurez pueden, mediante el uso do una «fantasía» aceptar este rechazar las impresiones que los «iconos» qual desprenden las cosas fijan en el alma como conceptos.

Ao invfois por ficar em uma zona de incerteza e caos; Facilita a si precisamente e crie uma pequena lista de coisas de que deseja alcançar, mesmo que grande ou pequeno. O presente É possibilitado a ser seu próprio guia de princípios.

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